Why every Muslim should engage in a form of dawah every now and then?
It keeps you in check with your own understanding of Islam, which is humbling most of the time. It encourages you to look deeper into the Qur’an. If there is something you are unsure of, trust me… you will feel it.
It doesn’t have to be a big scale street debate one, consciously and even subconsciously invite others to Islam by practising sunnah, manifesting the Muslim/Muslimah identity, smile (it’s not only charity), and so so much more.
Don’t get fazed by people calling you extreme, “suddenly so religious”, brother sheikh or sister sheikha (in a teasing manner), etc.
Things done for the sake of Allah is and can only be good for you, and even more so when it involves others. It is also a step up to doing the bare minimum of being a Muslim.
When you step forward with good intentions, Allah will open doors of getting more knowledge for you (I really believe this). but yes you have to take that one step forward… and He will run to you.
https://MopAcademy.org || Going for proper trainings, seminars, or even just talks (free zoom classes) is a good way to go if you want to pursue more in active da’wah. The journey taken in studying and increasing in knowledge is just as humbling, if not more.