I found a movie about our bIf you haven’t, it’s worth watching and you will know why Maryam a.s., mother of hashtag#Jesus — Prophet Isa a.s. , and The Messiah was venerated.
A gentle note:
This is my insight from watching the series and also reading how Maryam a.s. is portrayed in Islam. To me, her story shows not only why she is the purest and exalted woman but how she was strong, resilient and patient in serving and having faith in Allah. This serves as a sign to behold for us women.
What I noticed as a revert and how I knew “Mama Mary” throughout my childhood, is that I don’t know much about her except that she is the mother of “Jesus Christ”. In Islam, there are two Surahs dedicated to her and her family, and their lineage where we learn further down how she became the mother of The Messiah, who will fight Dajjal in the Day of Judgment.
She was pledged by her mother in service to God, even when she was born a girl. She learned about the Deen and had education in the temple, which is not prominently addressed (much as I know of) in Christianity. This makes her quite as knowledgeable as her Prophet ancestors, who were men.
Throughout her life, angels talk to her. Something that happens to Prophets only, and therefore signifies the height of her status from her gender. Miracles also surround her since she was a child, with her virgin birth of Jesus as the greatest.
In the Qu’ran, Jesus is referred to as Jesus, son of Mary (Isa ibn Maryam). It acknowledges Mary as a virgin mother, whom by the power and will of Allah, served as a pure vessel so that The Messiah is born. This not only shows the power of the Almighty, but why and how Isa ibn Maryam is in fact destined to be The Messiah, and sets him apart from the other Prophets.
It acknowledges Mary being a hashtag#singlemother. This gives every single mother therefore… hope, strength and resilience, that if they put their trust in Allah they will not be forsaken. It also lessens the stigma on how single mothers were looked upon even during that time, upto this day.
And while it is not mentioned how Isa ibn Maryam a.s. is raised, Maryam a.s. role as the sole parent of The Messiah was not diminished, in fact… Joseph is not mentioned. It just states the fact she was knowledgeable enough to raise her son in Deen, and that they were both directly guided, protected and taken care of solely by Allah s.w.t.
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