I would add: Respond to adhan.
For us Muslims, our call to prayer has a line that also calls to success. It reminds us that if we are going to succeed in anything, we respond by praying to the only One that owns it an could give it. For those who manage Muslim employees, its good motivation to encourage this to them. As a Muslim, no matter what situation, may it be at work or life in general, do everything around hashtag#solat.
It’s a good 5-7mins of clearing your heart, resetting your mind, even a good form of stretching in between the things you do throughout the day. Be in the constant reminder that you don’t have to be alone with your stress and worries, and surrender it all during sujud.
This together with pomodorotechnique should keep your work paced out nicely.
Personally, I also find that working around solat does the trick. Taking wudhu means simple water therapy and the solat movements are like little yoga stretches. But generally, I find the Pomodoro Technique as the best way to lay low, when I’m at the risk of being burned-out.
The rule is simple.
Totally let go during those breaks.
It’s only 5mins.
Just relax…
Have some tea/coffee…
Take a walk…
Look out the window…
DO NOT USE THE TIME for addictive and unhealthy habits like smoking or checking SocMed which is a waste of time and a contributing factor to stress.
DO NOT ANSWER THAT PHONE CALL!!! — the person can wait, the person can be returned call, the person is allowed rejection NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE, the person is allowed realise YOU MAY BE IN THE TOILET, the person should RESPECT you enough to let you have even 5mins to yourself and to your Lord.
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