Seeker, you're cordially invited..
الصَّدِيقُ قَبْلَ الطَّرِيقِ
There’s an Arab Proverb that says,
“(Choose) the friend before (choosing) the road.”
And this serves true when you are in pursuit of anything for the sake of Allah SWT. Part of our initiative is to bring together sisters who are on the path of seeking ilm. No matter what stage you are in, whichever institute/academy/university/college you are enrolled at, whenever you need moral support from the fellowship of other seeking sisters, you’re welcome to enlist to our virtual common room.
FLORILEGIUM was established to motivate the seeking of beneficial knowledge among sisters, by serving as a virtual platform where one could browse around ilm seeking resources curated in our library and also purchase digital downloads for personal growth and study purposes from our shop “florilège Press”.
To help keep the platform up and running, we need your support.
Allah SWT said in Al-Quran,
”Those Who In Charity Spend Of Their Goods By Days And Night, In Secret And In Public Have Their Rewards With Their Lord, On Them Shall Be No Fear Nor They Grieve” (2:274)
Let’s work for this Ummah together. Remember, even a mustard seed worth of good deeds is heavy on the scales and great in the eyes of Allah SWT.