$ 32.00

The inspiration of an undated planner with a guided journal came from reading a book and how I fell in love with the concept of Tazkiyah. It is a term that means purification of the self but in the process of growth, spiritually and mentally, in Deen.

Loosely based on a similar framework that existed as a 40-page downloadable digital workbook that is set for a 90-day journey, this DEENFLUENCER journal planner combines productivity and introspection, which ticks all of the criteria below:

• Undated so that one is free to start on their journey of Tazkiyah any time of the year.
• Includes productivity tools designed towards being better and, most of all, consistent.
• Include prompts within the planner spread to help the growing Muslim plan and reflect.

The end product addresses the general Muslim lifestyle holistically whilst maintaining a borderless drawing board, so the user may set their own pace in planning and journaling.

The DEENFLUENCER journal planner is perfect for the daily productive Muslim and the best tool for any converts/reverts who are coming back into practice or want to improve from their current state of Iman, in shaa’ Allah.

DEENFLUENCER proudly showcases:

• Introspection Tools: Personal Resolutions and Self-Awareness, Setting the Ambience, Breaking your BIG Problem, Give Meaning to your Solat, Last Year Wrapped, 90 Days Istighfar Tracker;
• Planning Tools: Game Changer Goals & SWOT, SMART Goals Roadmap (Check-Point Scheduling and Targets), Project Management Spread (Gantt Chart);
• Planner Spreads: Trimestral Overview, Month Spread and Week Spread, Reflection Journal/Notes Pages.

In sha’ Allah, this is to be followed with a two companion workbooks:

• Ultimate Muslim Kit: Islamic Studies Note-Taking, Taddabur Qur’an, Halaqah Reflection Notes, Ramadhan Overview and Last 10 Days (Layla’ Ul Qadr), Duas and Sadaqah, Iftar Planning and Hosting, Eid Prep, and Shawwal Fasting, 10 Days Dhulhijjah, Spiritual Retreat Guide & Reflections.
• Productivity Kit: Year of Projects (Overview), 90 Days Vision/SWOT/Mindmap, Area of Focus, Goal Mapping, Procrastination Beater, Productivity Jumpstarter, Progressive Momentum and Destressor, Research Kit, and Tools Needed.

Seamlessly wrapped inside almost 300 pages, in both paperback and hardbound, DEENFLUENCER is now yours for use on your projects and life’s endeavours.

I hope you find the khayr in it that you could share with your friends and family as well, in shaa’ Allah.

SKU: 9xje5 Category:


The inspiration of an undated planner with a guided journal came from reading a book and how I fell in love with the concept of Tazkiyah. It is a term that means purification of the self but in the process of growth, spiritually and mentally, in Deen.

Loosely based on a similar framework that existed as a 40-page downloadable digital workbook that is set for a 90-day journey, this DEENFLUENCER journal planner combines productivity and introspection, which ticks all of the criteria below:

• Undated so that one is free to start on their journey of Tazkiyah any time of the year.
• Includes productivity tools designed towards being better and, most of all, consistent.
• Include prompts within the planner spread to help the growing Muslim plan and reflect.

The end product addresses the general Muslim lifestyle holistically whilst maintaining a borderless drawing board, so the user may set their own pace in planning and journaling.

The DEENFLUENCER journal planner is perfect for the daily productive Muslim and the best tool for any converts/reverts who are coming back into practice or want to improve from their current state of Iman, in shaa’ Allah.

DEENFLUENCER proudly showcases:

• Introspection Tools: Personal Resolutions and Self-Awareness, Setting the Ambience, Breaking your BIG Problem, Give Meaning to your Solat, Last Year Wrapped, 90 Days Istighfar Tracker;
• Planning Tools: Game Changer Goals & SWOT, SMART Goals Roadmap (Check-Point Scheduling and Targets), Project Management Spread (Gantt Chart);
• Planner Spreads: Trimestral Overview, Month Spread and Week Spread, Reflection Journal/Notes Pages.

In sha’ Allah, this is to be followed with a two companion workbooks:

• Ultimate Muslim Kit: Islamic Studies Note-Taking, Taddabur Qur’an, Halaqah Reflection Notes, Ramadhan Overview and Last 10 Days (Layla’ Ul Qadr), Duas and Sadaqah, Iftar Planning and Hosting, Eid Prep, and Shawwal Fasting, 10 Days Dhulhijjah, Spiritual Retreat Guide & Reflections.
• Productivity Kit: Year of Projects (Overview), 90 Days Vision/SWOT/Mindmap, Area of Focus, Goal Mapping, Procrastination Beater, Productivity Jumpstarter, Progressive Momentum and Destressor, Research Kit, and Tools Needed.

Seamlessly wrapped inside almost 300 pages, in both paperback and hardbound, DEENFLUENCER is now yours for use on your projects and life’s endeavours.

I hope you find the khayr in it that you could share with your friends and family as well, in shaa’ Allah.

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